jg collage



Born: New York City and weened on Marvel Comics. Played hockey for years and had my career dreams shattered by a puck to the knee. Hence, marketing and art became my full-time focus. Graduated from Maryland Institute College of Art with a BFA in advertising and marketing design and did a short stint at Pratt Institute.


How it all began: Started off at Micro Warehouse, the mega reseller of computer hardware and software. This led me to become Adobe's corporate beta tester for Photoshop. Since we were one of the first digital studios that had high-volume work output, beta testing for Apple, QuarkXpress, Scitex and Kodak and many others ensued. While all this was going on, I accidently stepped into becoming a pioneer doing the first digital print runs with our printing partner Quad Graphics and Gerber. CTP (computer-to-plate) technology changed everything, it gave true meaning to using Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXpress, Illustrator, etc. in a digital work flow environment. In the following years I started to work on numerous marketing campaigns for many Fortune 500 companies. The rest is... in my resume!


My interests: music, guitars, skiing, hockey, football, art, automobiles (wanted to be a car designer... is it too late?), marketing, photography, designing anything, motorcycles and human nature.